The HTTP request body. You can add information about fields present in the workflow,
and non-field information as well, using {{myInformation}}.
Besides field identifiers, the following references are supported:
- workflow_step: The current step of the workflow.
Please refer to the API documentation for the keys available to use.
- workflow_run: The current workflow run.
Please refer to the API documentation for the keys available to use.
- signal: details of what triggered the action.
includes but not limited to:
- type: What triggered the action, e.g. StepStart, Manual, etc
- auth_token: Encoded reference to the active user access_tokens (applicable only in a SSO environment),
may be blank if the active user can not be determined
- pointer: Returns the pointer to the behavior that called the webhook
(reference to the path inside the workflow template being used).
- options: The options being used for the webhook action, i.e. URL, headers, handlers.